GSP ターム留学報告②(カナダ)
GSP ターム留学報告②(カナダ)

①I challenged to speak to many people. I am not good at speaking English. But I tried talking to many people. So, I could make a lot of friends. I was very happy that someone talked to me. And I did my best to speak English, even if I didn’t know how to say it in English. My friends tried their best to understand.
②I come to compare myself with my housemate who speaks English fluently. I often avoid difficult grammar or expression. I mean I ran away to something easier. I am on my way to being a better English speaker.
③I also realized it is the great obstacle of language difference. I experienced a lot of miscommunications due to the problem that I was not able to use the ascents of words correctly or fluently. Then I think that it is important to learn the repertoire of English expressions. I am facing the hurdle to improve my English skills to make a high-quality conversation.
④The food was different from Japan, and I was not used to it. Also, I didn’t know how to use the bus at first. My host father helped me, so now I can ride it alone. Taking only a shower instead of a bath was also new for me. Even though I had many difficulties, I learned a lot. Now, I feel more confident in my new life.
⑤It was very difficult to get into the gym membership. But I was very glad to be able to communicate in English.
⑥Influenced by the kindness of Canadians, I gave up my seat to an elderly person on the bus and helped him. I could feel a sense of accomplishment.
⑦I should have known about Canadian politics, government, and the relationship between Canada and America. It was hard to keep up with that topic. We talked about the world situation. I couldn’t describe anything. It made me confused because there are many words I have never heard.
⑧There are people from various countries with different backgrounds, and each country has its way of pronouncing English, making it difficult to understand what they are saying and what they want to say. However, I overcome this difficulty by pronouncing slowly, making gestures, and asking the students to write on paper.
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