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2017年2月 - 明法ニュース





関東中学1年生団体戦 東京都選抜Aチーム(明法・清明・深沢による混成) 優勝!



       予選リーグ1回戦 3-0で千代中学校(神奈川県)に勝利

         同  2回戦 3-0で旭北中学校(神奈川県)に勝利

    決勝トーナメント1回戦 2-0で有馬中学校(神奈川県)に勝利

         同  2回戦 2-0で群馬県選抜Aチームに勝利

         同  3回戦 2-1で茨城県選抜Bチームに勝利

         同  準決勝 2-0で千葉県選抜Aチームに勝利

同  決 勝 2-0で栃木県選抜Aチームに勝利    結果:優勝(2連覇!)


★ 高校部・中学部ともに部員募集中!!









①平成28年度卒業生(50期生) 青山学院大学 法学部 法学科 1年生

②平成25年度卒業生(47期生) 成蹊大学 文学部 日本文学科 4年生


①平成28年度卒業生(50期生) 千葉大学 理学部 生物学科  1年生

②平成25年度卒業生(47期生) 東京都市大学 知識工学部 経営システム工学科 4年生





2017.1.10 【部活動】剣道部-新人戦で見事都大会進出!











[日時]  3月25日(土) 10:00~11:00 (受付開始9:30)











2月14日(火)、「21世紀(高2文系選択科目)」の授業で外部より講師(Michael Lacktorin氏:iCLA学部長・教授)をお招きして、以下のテーマで特別授業(使用言語:英語)を実施しました。

AI時代におけるリベラルアーツの重要性 ~第4次産業革命期に活躍できる人材へ~



"The world is changing faster than it has ever changed before," started our quest speaker. "If you cannot be creative, you will be defeated by a robot!" This is how our special lecture started. Professor Michael Lacktorin, who is formerly a professor and dean of Akita International University and currently the Founding Dean of the International College of Liberal Arts of Yamanashi Gakuin University, visited Meiho's 21st Century course today. He talked with our students about how they can best prepare for an increasingly uncertain future. Professor Lacktorin started by painting a bleak picture of the future, one which will be full of human workers being replaced by artificial intelligence and robots. Then, he seamlessly built up the hope of our students by telling them just what is necessary to not only survive, but thrive, in the future: the human heart, expressed through creativity. And just what is creativity? It is "connecting the dots" between different experiences and academic fields. He exemplified this idea through Steve Jobs, whose life is a model of such. To be successful in the future, students need to make many dots (have many experiences) that are spread over a wide range of subjects (science, art, history, economics, etc.) Finally, they need to connect all of their dots, creating new insights, new ways of thinking, new solutions. This is what gives Professor Lacktorin "goose bumps," and what he and his colleagues passionately aim for in their liberal arts program. It is also exactly what will provide students with the tools they need to write their very own success stories in an uncertain future. Thanks for visiting us today, Professor Lacktorin.

Here's to a successful future for you and for us!!




2017/2/15 【GSP】2017ターム留学生の近況報告1


 米国次期大統領と日本の進路について英語で議論! → こちらからどうぞ

 中学3年生が英検準1級に合格! → こちらからどうぞ

 ICTを活用して米国の高校生と討論! → こちらからどうぞ

 「21世紀」使用教材が書籍になりました! → こちらからどうぞ

 NFLJ第2回全国大会(英語ディベート大会)で3勝! → こちらからどうぞ

 基礎英語2・3(8月号)必見!明法GSPの紹介が掲載! → こちらからどうぞ











この弁を、手術器具を使って切除します。みんなうまくできています。南淵先生は「みんな手が震えていませんね。手が震えるのは心理的なものが大きく作用していて、自分の技術に自信がない医師は手が震えてしまいます。手の震えが来ないくらい練習するのです。そうなれば『steady hand(手術が上手な医師のこと)』と呼ばれるようになります。」と言って生徒たちをおほめになりました。














Hello, Mr. Kamakura. How are you? I'm very well.

Two weeks passed already. But it feels long for me. I was very excited when I arrived at Melbourne.

Next day, I went to Inverloch Beach with my host family. There was a good scenery. I swam in the pool there. The water was warm. I ate pizza baked in the oven. It was very delicious

School started on 1st of February. I used a school bus for the first time. At that time I was nervous. But everyone greeted me kindly. I was very tired at the end of the day. I thought that I wanted to improve my English better.

4th of February was host mother's birthday. I didn't know about it. So I woke up in the morning and was surprised. We ate breakfast at a restaurant. It was very good taste. After lunch, we went to a big shopping mall. I bought a present for my host mother there. I gave her the present. She seemed so glad.

I want to enjoy Australia from now on, too.


Hi Mr. Kamakura!!!!!!! How are you? I am living every day to the fullest! Every thing's going so fast!!

Coming to MELBOURNE was very nervous for me but our coordinator was very kind. So, I was able to relax!! On the first day, we went to the center of MELBOURNE and got on a boat. We rode the boat for about two hours and the city was such a nice view and I enjoyed sightseeing. The time flew so fast. After lunch, we got on a bus and we met our host families.

Next day was Chinese New Year's Day. So, we went grandparents' house of my host mother. At that moment, everyone said GONG XI FA CAI. It means Happy New Year! At night, we ate dinner together. It was even more extravagant than I had imaged, for example, crab and noodles, lemon chicken. After dinner, my host mother's grandparents gave me money wrapped in a red envelope. I thought that was very characteristic. It was a good experience for me.

4 days after we arrived, the school started! I was a little nervous about going to school. But at school, some students talked to me and gave high five to me. I was impressed because Japanese students are not so kind like them. They are very kind to me, so I enjoy my school life a lot.

Last Monday we had swimming competition. It was freezing cold on the day. The temperatures was very low...and the pool was outside...but I swam! Because I wanted to win in the competition! I wanted a victory!!!!

I swam freestyle 50m... The result was 2 place... It was bitterly disappointing to have lost the race. However, the next race was freestyle relay. I was the third swimmer in the race. Finally, we won the race!!!!!! I gave them high fives and we laughed together!!!!


Hi, Mr. Kamakura!! How are you?

Last week, I was very nervous here in Australia because I had never been studying abroad. But My host family has kindly taught me a lot of things. Now I speak English from myself. Until school started, they took me to the famous tourist spots, for example Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens and Brighton Beach. There were many different kinds of houses and colorful flowers. I think I got a very valuable experience.

Last weekend I stayed at Mr. Smith's house. We had BBQ and ate fish and chips. I had a very good time. On Monday, we had a swimming competition in the park. The name of the park was Doveton Park. I did 50m freestyle, 50m breaststroke and 100m Freestyle of relay. In the freestyle of 50m, I won the first place. I won the second place in the breaststroke and freestyle of relay, too. My blue team lost. But, the race was very exciting!! Yesterday, my father and I went shopping in order to make dinner. My father made us an Australia chicken. It was wonderfully delicious!

At school, I'm taking Encounter, Music, English, PE, Digital Technology (PC), Sport, Math, Science, Humanities (History), and Chapel. All of these classes are difficult, but I'm working hard. Also I'm gradually making friends. The curriculum would be useful in the future.


Dear Mr. Kamakura

I'm sorry because my house doesn't have Wifi connection. So it took some time to send you this email.

Hi! How are you? I'm enjoying Australia's life! I get along with my host family now. My host brother is Mathew and Nathan. Mathew is such a kind man. He can draw a picture very well! Nathan is so pretty. His smile is so cute. I also made many friends at host school! Gokuu is my best friend!

By the way, I learned new English words, for example, dystopian. Dystopian means 地獄郷. I learned this word in Essential English class. This class is so hard, but I'll try my best.

I'm glad to come to Australia. Thank you very much!!


Hello, Mr. Kamakura! How are you doing? I'm fine. My family is very friendly. So I often talk a lot about school and other things with them. On the second day, my host mother and I went to a beach. It was a really nice weather that day. I met my host mother's cousin there.

School life is very hard because I can't understand what other students say. But I have a lot of fun at this school. I will do my best.

M. I.

Recently I can catch and understand English little by little but these past two weeks in school were very hard for me. I need a lot of time to get used to school. I visited many places for the last two weeks. I went to a museum and cinema. I watched Jurassic park in 3-D! I got the first prize in swimming competition last Wednesday. It was a good experience for me. I will go to the beach and swim with dolphins on Saturday and Sunday. I'm looking forward to swimming.


Hi, Mr. Kamakura. I have fun and exciting experiences in Australia because I made a new friend who is Mac. Mac is my best friend in Australia now and he is so funny. I am also having fun with my host family. My host brother Jonathan is 9 years old and he is in primary school. He plays Nintendo game with me, and it is fun. I never knew that Dim Sam which is similar to Shumai was born in Australia. I also went to a beautiful place called Sky High. I will send you some photos later.


Dear. Mr. Kamakura,

How have you been doing? It has been three weeks since I came here. I was nervous when I first came here, but now I'm used to life and am enjoying it.

It was Valentine's Day on Tuesday. Unlike Japan, in Australia it seems that men give chocolates to women. Although it may be a boring day at Meiho high school, at Nunawading Christian College, it is very lively because we decorate buildings with balloons and ribbons with girls' ideas. Thank you.


Hello!! It has been two weeks since I came here. I am gradually getting used to the life here.

I had my host family take me to the sea and now live a happy life. The sea was very beautiful. It is hard to understand the contents of the lessons at school. But I'll try my best.


Hello, Mr. Kamakura.

I feel English is very difficult but interesting. My English is not good, but I try to make it understandable. I am so happy because I could learn a lot of English here and I can teach Japanese and culture to Australian friends here. They are very interested in Japanese. I am taking Japanese class at school. So I can teach them Japanese. For that reason, I can make a lot of friends. They are very kind and funny.

I went a market with my host father the other day. They were selling a lot of foods and clothes. We bought some fish and fruits. They were delicious.


Hello! Two weeks and five days have passed since I came to Australia. I have come to get some communication with my host family and am now getting used to new environments. My host family took me to a beach. And my group coordinator took me to a zoo. I am living a pleasant life here. I would like to make efforts to speak more English in the future.


Hi, Mr. Kamakura. How's it going? I'm writing this at host family's house.

Australian houses are much bigger than Japanese houses. There is a big terrace, spare room, and theater room in this house!

My host family is very kind and funny. They always tell me jokes. I'm very happy with them. My host parents, Nicky and Ian teach me a lot of things about school and English; the pronunciation of "r" is pretty difficult for me. But some Australian people said to me, "Your pronunciation is good." I was very happy, but I still wanna brush up my English ability more.

My host brother Matthew always teaches me English jokes. I played video games with him two times. He is good at playing the shooting games. He really likes watching YouTube. He sometimes makes dinner for me and we eat together. I appreciate his kindness.

My host sister, Chelsea is an extraordinary girl. The reason why I think so is very obvious. Because she loves zombies and jewelry! I often watch movies with her. She occasionally stops the movie and says "Shin, did you understand?" If I say "No," she teaches me the story with simple words. Thanks to her, I can enjoy the movies.

I attend school at Edinburgh College. I started two weeks ago. The first day of school, I was little bit nervous because I knew I couldn't talk with classmates like they talk with their friends. But it was unnecessary. In fact, most of them were very friendly. A girl spoke to me as soon as I arrived at school. Then she asked me some easy questions such as "What is your name?" and "Where are you from?" It was very fun. I've tried to speak to them from myself since that time. I study with 14~15 year-old students. They are so big and tall. Actually, I didn't know that they were younger than me.

Most of Australian schools have two recesses. The first one comes after period two. We eat fruits or snacks in this time. The second one is after period four. We have lunch in this recess. Many students bring sandwiches. I think Japanese schools should introduce this system. We can concentrate on classes because we never become hungry!

I've already made some friends, Max, Josh, Rachel, Tomas, Edwin and Isabella ... I really like Australian life. I want to meet a lot of people and talk with them. I believe if I do it, I can grow a lot. See you soon!


ホストファミリーと②.jpgHello, Mr. Kamakura!

I am sorry that I couldn't send the e-mail on time. However, I enjoy Australian life very much! My host family are very kind. School is also very nice. I already have a lot of friends in Beacon Hills College!

February 15th was birthday! My host family, friends and school coordinator Jenny celebrated my birthday. I was so happy! I am getting used to Australian life. I want to enjoy the stay here more and more!

Best wishes,






実施日は第1回 2月20日(月) 第2回 3月6日(月)です。


 (平日9:00~16:30 土曜9:00~13:30)


★お問い合わせ先 TEL 042(393)5611 明法高等学校 入試広報



[募集人員]  第1回・第2回とも 第1学年男子 特別進学5名 総合進学5名

[出願資格]  2017年3月中学校卒業見込みで、原則として保護者のもとから通学が



[出願受付]  第1回 2月15日(水)~2月18日(土) 

        第2回 2月23日(木)~3月4日(土)  

          平日 9時~16時30分 土曜日 9時~10時30分 日曜日は受付しません

[出願書類]  入学願書 および 調査書 (調査書は公立高等学校の用紙)

[受験料 ]  20,000円(本校窓口にて現金でお支払いいただきます)

[入試日程]  第1回 2月20日(月) 第2回 3月6日(月)

[試験科目]  3教科 (国語 英語 数学)    面 接   本人のみの個人面接 

[合格発表]  第1回 2月20日(月)  第2回 3月 6日(月)  

          ホームページ 17時頃

[入学手続]  入学金240,000円が必要となります。

[手続日時]  第1回 2月21日(火) 9時~10時30分 


         東京都在住の方は3月02日(木)9時~16時30分 3日(金)9時~10時30分                

         埼玉県在住の方は3月10日(金)9時~16時30分 11日(土)9時~10時30分

         第2回 東京都在住の方 3月07日(火)9時~10時30分 

         埼玉県在住の方 3月10日(金)9時~16時30分 11日(土)9時~10時30分





℡ 042-393-5611









2017百人一首大会2.JPG2017百人一首大会3.JPG 団体戦の結果は以下の通りです。
 優 勝  中3A・4
 準優勝  中3A・2
 第3位  中3A・3




 【第2回(2/2)】 4科 9:00~12:40  2科 9:00~14:30

 【第3回(2/3)】 9:00~14:30


 明法中学校  入学願書  

 明法GE   入学願書  











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