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2012年3月 - 明法ニュース

【進路】大学合格速報 国公立大学の合格者が昨年比で大幅に増加しました!




■□■2012年春 大学入試実績 卒業生155名■□■
* 国公立 15名 (筑波大、東京農工大、横浜国立大・首都大 他)
* 早稲田・慶應・上智・ICU・東京理科 23名
* GMARCH(明治・青山・立教・中央・法政・学習院) 44名
* 成蹊・成城・明治学院・武蔵大 21名
* 日東駒専 43名
* その他、関西の同志社や立命館にも合格者がでています


■□■2011年春 大学入試実績 卒業生155名■□■
* 国公立 6名 (学芸大、千葉大、首都大、横浜市立大 他)
* 早稲田・慶應・上智・ICU・東京理科 14名
* GMARCH(明治・青山・立教・中央・法政・学習院) 47名
* 成蹊・成城・明治学院・武蔵大 11名
* 日東駒専 52名






Dear Mr.Kamakura and Mr.Saotome、
Hello. This week I report about my activities on weekends.
I usually spend my time with my host family. We went to the William Rickets' Sanctuary 2 weeks ago. It was on the aboriginal artworks of William Rickets、 who spread the aboriginal philosophies. In their thoughts、 all the living things are originally born from the ground. I did knew the aboriginal、 but it was impressive to go to a place like this.
The host parents' grandchildren often come to the house. The host mother likes to play with them、 and I help her playing with them. Yesterday、 her son's parents and children came to the house、 and we played with them.
My time in here is running out. I really think I want to know more about the ethnics in Australia and their sense of value. And I'm still trying to find what or how to do that. We're learning about Judaism and Christianity in the Religion class. I'm trying to know their philosophies.
That's about it for my report. See you next week.

Hello、 Mr. Kamakura. How are you going? Nine days ago was a holiday which was Friday、 so I went to Melbourne city and participated in the MOOMBA festival. It was very exciting and very fun. At the end、 I watched the fireworks that were so beautiful. If there is any chance、 I want to go to there again.
To change the subject、 a day before yesterday、 I went to Melbourne city again to watch Australian formula 1 grand prix. I had never watched a grand prix in Japan before. Even though it was raining、 we still went to Melbourne city. Seeing formula 1 in real life was very exciting. It was very noisy and had an energy that was produced by the engine. Surprisingly、 the Japanese car racer who is Kamui Kobayasi participated in Melbourne grand prix. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a helmet、 but the grand prix was very fun anyway. I am going to come back to Japan after 3 weeks. As the time passes、 I will miss Australia. I don't want come back to Japan (Sob with grief). Anyway、 I am enjoying my time in Australia. Maybe see you next weekend.
Regards、 K.T.

Hi Mr. Kamakura、 how are you doing? I am doing fine. I haven't spoken to you for a long time、 but I don't miss Japan、 because I'm enjoying this life in Australia. I could stay here forever and I'm looking for the next host house. 
I am staying with a family which has a Mother and 2 sons、 my host brothers. Also、 staying here are two Beaconhills Gap Students who are working at the college as teacher coordinator. One is from Canada and the other is from Scotland. Both are 18. The host mother is from New Zealand and both her sons are Australian. The house has many different types of English but I can't tell the difference as they talk very fast.
I have been attending Beaconhills College and I have heard that the Beaconhills students are very clever. I'm certain they get high marks in their exams. I have met many different nationalities at the school such as; Chinese、 Spanish、 American and Philippine. Those students at the school have accepted me well.
There is a very popular music band called 'One Direction' they are from the U.K and they are now my favorite artists. I'm sure they are world famous and I love their songs. There is going to be a concert in Melbourne on the 16th April、 but I'm going back to Japan on the 8th of April. I'm too sad as I just miss out on going to see them. They are like 'Arashi' in Japan which is a very popular group.
I went and saw Australian Rules Football match between Carlton - my host brother Christian's favorite team and another team. I went with the 2 gap students and one another gap student from Germany also working at the school but not staying with us in the same house. The Sport is similar to Rugby and Soccer. The players are able to kick and hold the ball which is shaped like an egg. Of course、 none of us had seen the sport before、 so we were all excited. It was a really good game as the score was very close. The other team only won by 3 points. 
Last Sunday I went to see the movie "John Carter"、 it was an adventure movie like Indiana Jones.
Tomorrow I'm going to the 'Mitchell River' camp which is a rafting and hiking camp、 I am very excited about it although at the same time a bit nervous.
I want to do my best so that I will have no regrets from this experience. I will see you soon and look forward to talking to you about everything.

Hello. Mr. Kamakura. I'm sorry that we haven't had school event.
Last Wednesday、 I played suiting game. It was very fun. I had never played suiting game before.
Yesterday、 I saw F1 racing. I had never seen that before. It was very noisy but I like to watch F1 racing. I want to see that again.
I enjoy staying in Australia. I think we will stay in Australia last 3 weeks. I want to enjoy more. 

Hello Mr.Kamakura! Sorry I didn't write back sooner. Time flies so fast、 doesn't it? I don't want to come back to Japan. Because it is spring in Japan. It is hay fever season! I have a hay fever. I'll blow my nose many times when I come back to Japan. But I miss you and my family and friends of mine and our teachers.
I enjoy this life. I experienced a lot of pleasant and valuable experience. I really want to live here. But I cannot speak English well. I must learn English more. But I use easy English words every day. Probably my English skill is weakest of Japanese students. Other Japanese students are good at writing English. I know that. I'm impatient little bit. I'll hold out till I finish this program.
It has been one year since the Great Tohoku Earthquake happened. I had a moment of silence at shopping center. I had Japnese food at Japanese restaurant then.
I ran 400m、 800m、 1500m and relay at athletic carnival. I got 2 prices. It was fun. But I thought that I have to build up my physical strength. Sport is great. I could talk with many people. I could make the best friend. He has been a great help for me. And I talk with him well. I could make the best friend automatically. We get along well with each other. We are a close friend. I'm so happy. 
My host parents are really great people. They are a devoted couple. I'm happy to see the merits of the relationship between you. I cannot thank you enough to them and my family and you. Many thanks!!!
I have taken more than a thousand photos. I'll take photos something as ever.
See you.
Kind regards、

★3/24に学校説明会を開催しました 次の学校説明会は5月12日(土)


















Hello Mr.Kamakura. I'm sorry to be late to send you this email. I enjoy everyday、 of course! Today、 I report something to you.
According to the heard of Beaconhills College、 the school has introduced iPad since this year. For example、 we can download text books、 homework、 and message from teachers and so on. Various things are done on iPad. In short、 students have to always take iPad at school. Then、 I got my own iPad last week. Of course、 it is just borrow. If I buy it、 I have to pay $800. It's impossible. Also、 I have borrowed a jacket for iPad. It has the school's name. It's too cool. So、 I might buy only jacket.
Today、 it is exactly a month since I arrived here. More recently、 I'm feeling time goes on
Fast. And I'm missing basketball practice in Japan and my dog!!! (laugh)
Finally、 I have good news. Probably you have already noticed this from the picture. This picture was taken by my host mother when we visited friend's house for dinner. Orange shirt is me and navy blue is my host brother. Next time、 I'll try to get a picture what 'the second generation of team Beaconhills' with Australian friends. See you again.
Sent from my iPad. S.T

Hello Mr.Kamakura. I'm sorry. I was late to send e-mail for you. Life in Australia is very fun、 so I forgot to send you email.
Recently、 it gets a little cold、 because it's autumn now in Australia. It has passed half of this program. I'm feeling time passes very quickly. I'm feeling that my English skill get a little better. I made a lot of friends. Of course、 I'm making friends of difference years.
I feel that they are more gentle than Japanese students. I like Australian students!
I went various places. Australia is a very nice country. Someday、 I want to return to here again. Please say hello to Mr.Igarashi、 Mr.Komori、 and other teachers. See you.

Hello Mr. Kamakura!! It has been about a month since I came here. Sadly、 we have to go back to Japan in April. If possible、 I want to stay here forever!! That is because there are a lot of generous people that are my friends、 host family and so on. So I am very happy because of them. But I think my family will miss me、 I hope. I don't anticipate that fact or maybe not. I don't know whether I miss my family or not. 
Change the subject、 unexpectedly I met Yosiki who is at another school here in Australia. As a result、 I went to a department store with him yesterday. We were talking about school and daily life to each other. It was nice to talk with him. And surprisingly、 my house is close to Yosiki's house. The distance is about 20 minute walking. 
Now、 I am going to talk about my school life (I write about the difference between Japan and Australia). I think that Australia's schools are smaller than Japanese' schools. And there is a playground and an exclusive science room. We usually study English、 math、 science、 Bible、 PE、 history、 art and cooking class. It is different compared with Japan's school. I can't understand all of the English、 but I can enjoy those classes.
My school friends make me happy、 because they have funny subjects to talk about、 so I laugh with them every time. In Australia、 nobody is shy、 which I find amazing. Mr Kamakura、 how would you compare Japanese students to Australian students? I like Australian students better compared with Japanese students. Why don't I like Japanese students? Because I find them a little bit shy. Incidentally、 I am not shy anymore、 so don't worry about it. Sorry for the long letter. See you next weekend.
Regards、 K.T

Hi、 Mr Kamakura. I came to Australia and one month has passed. It has gone very fast! I have done a lot of things in the last two weeks. February 22nd、 I played volleyball in a school competition. I played with my classmates. They are good at volleyball. We struggled but we couldn't win. I enjoyed playing and I talked with my classmates a lot that day. Next day、 I went to Healesville Sanctuary with Kota、 Masahiro and Mrs. Hyland. We saw animals such as koalas、 kangaroos、 emus、 platypus、 tasmanian devils and dingoes. We saw a bird show as well. They were all Australian animals and I enjoyed it. After that we walked in the bush near the Sanctuary. That was a very good place to walk. Last weekend was very busy. On Saturday、 I woke up at 8:30 and went to church with my host family. In the afternoon I went to the beach with my host family and Kota. I went to the beach on January 29th but it was a different beach. There were some fish there. I swam in that beach and it was fun. Next day I woke up before 7 o'clock and went to a lake. I went water-skiing there. I tried knee boarding and the biscuit. The knee boarding was very difficult because it needed power and good balance. The biscuit was very nice but my hands were exhausted. Today I went to the Queen Victoria Market. There were a lot of people there and I saw a few Japanese speaking Japanese. There were many shops and I bought coasters there.
The first picture is my friends in school. I have tried hard to speak with them when I had a chance. Another picture is Lake Eildon and myself. I water-skied there and it was the best day of my stay in Australia so far. I will try hard to speak more and more if I have a chance. I look forward to enjoying my stay in Australia for the last month.

Hello!! I'm sorry. I think my E-mail is latest in Japanese students. I can't excuse because every Japanese student have a time that is the same time to me. I'm exited in Australia. Australia has nice nature and nice people. So I can relax here. I could make some friends. But we are not friendly enough yet. I want to be more friendly. So I'm trying it very hard everyday. My English has problem that is grammar!! I can't structure sentence very well. So、 I'm repeating very easy English. Sometimes I can make a sentence that has two verbs. I'm asking my friends who are foreigners about this、 but it is too hard for me. Because when I want to ask someone、 I can't structure sentence as well too!!
Also、 I have a problem that is different culture. Australian manner is sometimes difficult to me. Anyway、 I should try harder about all things. I think my sentence has many wrong points、 but this is the limit of my English abilities.
By the way、 I lost my camera somewhere. I should buy another camera in Australia.
PS: I heard "wanna" and "gonna" when since I came to school that is first time. Thank you for teaching me about that.

Dear Mr.Kamakura and Mr.Saotome、
Hello. Today I report about my thoughts of Australian society、 especially in Melbourne、 because I think I started to understand about the life here.
First is about the wastes. Here in Melbourne、 you don't need to separate combustible and incombustible wastes、 as you can see in my first picture. But if you want to throw plastics or paper away、 you have to put them in a recycle bin. In the supermarkets、 you are required to bring your own bag、 and they have fewer packed foods than Japan's. Personally、 I think it's a great system to protect the environment.
Now we see the news about the floods threatening New South Wales、 northern Victoria、 and South Australia. As for the floods、 for second topic、 people are very prepared for floods. In the family I'm staying with、 they save food in case floods came and couldn't go buying them、 make upstairs in front of entrance of the house、 and have boats in case the house became flooded. In fact、 floods and bush fires are the two major disasters in Australia. Last night、 my host father Greg showed me a video of the flood last year in February. In the video、 the roads near the house I'm staying at were being flooded. Actually、 it's because they had hurricanes over Queensland、 New South Wales、 and Victoria. Apparently、 that was the first flood that threatened Melbourne. But in the video、 they were not surprised or feared. Instead they were enjoying taking the video! I really envied them、 because in the March 11th disaster in Japan、 I couldn't do anything but being panicked and losing calm.
I have some information about the ethnics in Melbourne as well. They really live together in harmony despite many nationalities and ethnics. In fact、 Melbourne has over 130 nationalities in their immigrants. But recently、 they do not get along with some Muslim people and refugees. Some Muslim people insist obeying some rules in Qur'an、 which is illegal in Australian laws. About the refugees、 some refugees came to Australia illegally、 and because UN recognizes Australia a country which accepts refugees、 Australian government has to give money even though some refugees rely on that and don't work. Through learning this problem、 I realized it's very hard to solve these kinds of problems about ethnics、 again. We also have some other problems about ethnics、 though they've not come to faces. They'll be very difficult to solve、 now I suppose. Now I take 'Religion & Society' classes、 which is required to be enriched in Victorian parents now、 so I'd like to learn more about it. And personally、 I was moved by the people here for their kindness of being very friendly to me. Now I'm thinking how I should enrich these experiences in the rest of my program and after finishing the program (and English skills、 of course).





【授業報告】ウニの解剖&発生実験 ~ 今年もバフンウニをプレゼントします。


























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                               校長 大谷泰造

★明法高等学校 特別入試 合格発表

明法高等学校 平成24年度 特別入学試験


  1702  1703


 3月 7日(水) 9時~10時30分 
 3月10日(土) 9時~10時30分


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